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In the heart of Bengal, where the sweetest melodies of tradition and culture intertwine, there blooms a profound admiration for the enchanting hibiscus flower. Like a delicate masterpiece, this flower patterned hand-painted journal captures the essence of the beloved jaba, as we fondly call it.

Oh, jaba! The very sight of you brings a rush of emotions, as if the gentle caress of your petals can soothe the soul and awaken the spirit. Your vibrant hues reflect the vivaciousness of Bengal’s celebrations, where feminine energy is revered and celebrated like nowhere else. In this land of art and poetry, we find an embodiment of your grace in the vivacious women who color our lives with their sheer brilliance.

With each stroke of this painting a tale of admiration been laid, paying homage to the power and beauty that women bring to this world. The hibiscus, like the women of Bengal, stands tall, unafraid to display its striking colors. It is a symbol of resilience, just as our Bengali women stand firm through life’s trials, rising above with an unwavering spirit.

Material : Jute and plain white paper

Package contains : A Journal

Colour : Beige And jaba

Delivery timing : 20-25 days

Page count : 40 pages, 120 gsm

Cleaning process: Use a clean cloth to dust of all the dirt, in case of stain try spot cleaning by dampening a clean cloth with a mild detergent and gently rub the stained area. Dry out well and store it seperately in a air tight container or pouch.

Disclaimer :

* Slight colour variation can occur due to light settings.

* Try to keep this jewellery out of water and perfumes