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Naksha designed with this classic “Frida” self-portrait painting with the fusion of our Indian style.

A hand-painted earpiece with a very gorgeous colour combination.Then a little hint of embroidery giving it a very nice, warm finish and making it a summer-appropriate statement piece.

So, make your summer looks a little colourful by wearing our “Frida” earrings.

Material : Fabric, Thread, Beads etc.

Package contains : 1 Pair stud ear-piece

Colour : Red & Black

Delivery timing : 10-17 days

Cleaning process: Use a clean cloth to dust of all the dirt, in case of stain try spot cleaning by dampening a clean cloth with a mild detergent and gently rub the stained area. Dry out well and store it seperately in a air tight container or pouch.

Disclaimer :

* Slight colour variation can occur due to light settings.

* Try to keep this jewellery out of water and perfumes